Wasabi Storage

Wasabi Storage

One simple storage solution that is faster than Amazon S3 yet cheaper than Amazon Glacier. Wasabi’s immutable buckets protect you against the most common causes of data loss.

Wasabi is a S3 compatible object storage.



Connection profiles can be installed from Preferences → Profiles.

  • Wasabi CA Central 1 (Toronto) Download the Wasabi Storage (ca-central-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi US East 1 (N. Virginia) Download the Wasabi Storage (us-east-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi US East 2 (N. Virginia) Download the Wasabi Storage (us-east-2) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi US West 1 (Oregon) Download the Wasabi Storage (us-west-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi US Central 1 (Texas) Download the Wasabi Storage (us-central-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi EU Central 1 (Amsterdam) Download the Wasabi Storage (eu-central-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi EU Central 2 (Frankfurt) Download the Wasabi Storage (eu-central-2) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi EU West 1 (London) Download the Wasabi Storage (eu-west-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi EU West 2 (Paris) Download the Wasabi Storage (eu-west-2) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi AP Northeast 1 (Tokyo) Download the Wasabi Storage (ap-northeast-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi AP Northeast 2 (Osaka) Download the Wasabi Storage (ap-northeast-2) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi AP Southeast 1 (Singapore) Download the Wasabi Storage (ap-southeast-1) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Wasabi AP Southeast 2 (Sydney) Download the Wasabi Storage (ap-southeast-2) Connection Profile for preconfigured settings.

Known Issues

301 Moved Permanently but no Location Header

You are connected with a connection profile specific to a region not matching the bucket region. Please install the additional connection profile for the specific region of the bucket.

Certificate Error

Connecting to buckets with dots in the bucket name can cause a certificate error.

Certificate Error
